The Precinct Manager™ system is a work force scheduling and timekeeping system designed to eliminate paperwork.
The basic idea behind the system is not to change how your organization works, but to improve it. Instead of an employee submitting paper leave and scheduling forms to their supervisor, they submit the forms electronically. The forms are then routed up the chain of command until approved. Once approved, the system will then automatically adjust the schedule, timesheets, leave banks, and reports.
Process Forms
Easily manage leave requests and balances by choosing exactly what you need from our extensive list of customizable forms.
Workflow is managed by setting up a hierarchy and routing forms up the chain of approval. No more lost slips, legibility, or security issues.

Everything from the simplest weekly overview to the most complex rotations.
See who is on which shift, who is on leave, the monthly detail for each employee, and the Daily Assignment Roster with complete scheduling details.

Calculate Payroll
based on the rules in force for a given contract.
Policies for Overtime, Court, Sick Time, and Shift Differential can easily be administered, applied to employees, and formatted for delivery to payroll.

Track Time
by exception, by daily time slips, or by time clock.
Whatever technique you use, your auto-generated timesheets are imported directly into payroll software, generating a paperless payroll.

Track Balances
Leave Bank management is a key self-service feature which was designed to manage leave balance questions without management intervention, as well as reduce or eliminate “leave without pay” events.
We configure leave banks specifically to your agency, which typically includes Sick, Vacation, Comp, and Personal days, as well as any custom banks that are required. Agency specific accrual and carryover rules are implemented to allow the banks to self-maintain year to year. The banks are managed in a real-time fashion, which allows for better up-to-date information for the users.

Create reports with instant access to your auditor-friendly information that can help you control costs and manage resources.
The payoff for making your information electronic is that valuable reports can be run at the click of a button. Precinct Manager™ comes fully loaded with reports that can be used to control costs and manage resources.
No two organizations have the same reporting needs. Although, Precinct Manager™ comes with a variety of pre-defined reports, custom reporting is also available. We want you to have the data you need in a format that works for you.
Timekeeping can be a complex technical topic, and to completely solve all of the requirements without compromise or change may require the intervention of our programming team. Out-of-the-box solutions can get you close to the answer, but in a government environment “close” does not cut it. Our expectation is to go the extra mile to insure that all calculations are handled accurately and completely.
Direct import into payroll
A major time saving feature and a favorite with Finance departments is the ability to export data to your payroll system. At the end of a pay period once all timesheets have been approved, the data will be extracted into a format compatible for import with the click of a button. We support a vast number of payroll systems and will work directly with your payroll vendor to work out the details specific to your payroll. If you have a payroll system that we have not yet implemented, as long as your payroll vendor can accept an imported file, we can integrate it into the system. With payroll integration, the tedious process of manually entering the data is eliminated saving time every payroll.
Time Clocks
We provide multiple ways to track time. One method is by using a time clock. Time clocks can be implemented on a case-by-case basis as needed in your agency. Our time clocks are custom built to our specifications and support user identification using advanced biometric fingerprints, as well as a wide range of ID card/keyfob formats.
While it is possible to host the software on-premise, we provide a hosted environment for our software. This has been an attractive configuration for our user community and leaves the software infrastructure and management worries to us.