A 24-hour Police operation requires features that are outside of a typical 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday business situation. Our system handles scheduling topics such as shift rotations, shift trades, on call, and staffing levels. From a payroll standpoint, there may be complex shift differential calculations and sophisticated holiday rules as well as uniform and other stipends. Overtime can be tracked to pay out of multiple budgets and can be easily reported upon for budgeting purposes. Other payroll considerations include court time, multiple labor contracts, and leave events like injury, bereavement, comp time, FMLA, and military service all must be carefully recorded, approved, and accurately reported.
A Fire department has special requirements to handle a typical 24-on, 48-off scheduling rotation with Kelly days and FLSA calculations. Management and support staff can be managed using a typical Monday thru Friday schedule. Our system also has capabilities to schedule multiple fire stations and vehicles with position assignments.
Public Works is all about performing specific jobs within a government agency. To that end, the biggest challenge in this group is the assignment of jobs to proper budgets. This allows the agency to streamline the capture and tracking of various jobs and allow this to flow through to the accounting and payroll system. While one of the goals of the system is to push the data entry to the correct employee level within an organization, in some cases it makes more sense to manage the tasks at a central or supervisory level. You can mix and match strategies to use our tools most effectively in your organization and workforce.
Recreation departments typically have diverse needs, with seasonal workers and part-time employees. The flexibility of our time capture options, either through physical timeclock, web or phone-based options, gives you the tools you need to manage the situation. The annual task of adding/removing seasonal employees is quick and easy. The payroll needs of this group are typically handled at the management level, to allow for a central, simple approach to payroll and minimal training for the part-timers.
“I want to give you the compliment you have worked so diligently towards, we love your product. Sometimes we forget to acknowledge when something works well and it is performing a great job for us. I just felt that you should know what was said in a discussion about the software today, my Chief Deputy has been using the reports really getting comfortable navigating through the program and today he must have said 3 or 4 times “I LOVE RIGHT STUFF!””
“We are very pleased with the program and it’s flexibility. Right Stuff designed our app by looking at our scheduling process and understanding how we schedule. The app is being used to schedule all of the dispatch center and our police department. All info feeds directly into payroll and saves a lot of time processing same. We expect the city will adopt the same app for all divisions in the city”